The moth is a type of Sphinx Moth called Convolvulus Hawk-moth (Agrius convolvuli). There are tons of different species that fall under this category. We even have a few that live here in the Bay Area! But, to my disappointment, ours have orange bands rather than red ones. For more info check out the link below.
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Huray, thank you for the info Mr. Naturalist Center Man. I've been more interested in the insects that I've seen on this trip than castles and historic buildings, and even collected a few dead butterflies and a cocoon. This moth was reaaaally big and I though it was just a big piece of bark on the ground. I almost stepped on the poor thing.
The moth is a type of Sphinx Moth called Convolvulus Hawk-moth (Agrius convolvuli). There are tons of different species that fall under this category. We even have a few that live here in the Bay Area! But, to my disappointment, ours have orange bands rather than red ones. For more info check out the link below.
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Huray, thank you for the info Mr. Naturalist Center Man. I've been more interested in the insects that I've seen on this trip than castles and historic buildings, and even collected a few dead butterflies and a cocoon. This moth was reaaaally big and I though it was just a big piece of bark on the ground. I almost stepped on the poor thing.